Authors: Amir I. Zaghloul, Quang Nguyen, Theodore K. Anthony, Steven J. Weiss, Eric D. Adler
Source: FERMAT, Volume 28, Communication 14, Jul.-Aug., 2018
Abstract: We design magnetic material formed by USP resonators embedded in the host RT/Duroid 5870 • We compare NRW and FPHT retrieval methods for determining the complex permittivity and permeability of MUTs from the measurement of S-parameters • We find that both NRW and FPHT are matched for homogenous dielectric material • However, FPHT fixes the anti-resonant behavior in NRW for metamaterial inclusions • FPHT will be used as a tool to measure the effective permeability of the new hybrid composite magnetic material under development
Index Terms: Metamaterial
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First-Principles versus NRW Retrieval of Metamaterial-Insert Constitutive Parameters Using Measured Scattering Matrix