Reconfigurable Double Slot-Ring Antenna for Bandwidth Enhancement

Authors: Mahmoud Shirazi, Tianjiao Li, Xun Gong

Source: FERMAT, Volume 25, Communication 10, Jan.-Feb., 2018

Abstract: A reconfigurable single slot-ring antenna is able to switch between S and C bands using PIN diode switches. However, the fractional bandwidth of this single slot-ring antenna at lower band is narrow (11.4%). In this work, four additional slots are added to form a double slot-ring antenna at the lower band. As a result, the antenna fractional bandwidth at the lower band is significantly enhanced from 11.4% to 28.2%, while the antenna performance at higher band is not compromised. Full-wave simulations show that the antenna efficiency is high and the radiation patterns do not change across each respective frequency band.

Index Terms: Broadband antenna, PIN diode switches, reconfigurable slot-ring antenna

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Reconfigurable Double Slot-Ring Antenna for Bandwidth Enhancement