Summary of Twenty-Three Years: The Acceptance of Maxwell’s Equations

Authors: James C. Rautio

Source: FERMAT, Volume 18, Communication 1 , Nov-Dec , 2016

Abstract: Maxwell first published what came to be called “Maxwell’s equations” in 1865. However, it was not until 1888, and Heinrich Hertz’s experimental validation that Maxwell’s equations were accepted as correct. The story of the intervening 23 years is little known. Maxwell, who died in 1879, was exceptionally modest and did not promote his own results at any time. The survival of Maxwell’s equations was up to the only three researchers in the entire world who paid serious attention to Maxwell’s Treatise: Oliver Heaviside, Oliver Lodge, and George Francis FitzGerald. Later, Hertz joined the group forming “The Four Maxwellians”. In this presentation, we describe the torturous path Maxwell’s equations took from their creation to their initial acceptance. This paper is a summary of the full paper to be published in the ACES Journal.

Keywords: Fitzgerald, Heaviside, Hertz, history, Lodge, Maxwell’s equations.

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Summary of Twenty-Three Years: The Acceptance of Maxwell’s Equations