Investigation on Possibility of the Mainbeam Steering Capability of a Single Antenna Element

Authors: Waroth Kuhirun, Pravit Boonek and Winyou Silabut

Source: FERMAT, Volume 20, Communication 2, Mar-Apr., 2017

Abstract: Radiation pattern corresponds to the construction/deconstruction of far fields generated by the current distributed on the antennas. Consequently, changes in current distribution result in different radiation patterns and probably different mainbeam directions. That is, the mainbeam can probably be steered by varying the current distribution on the patch and ground. This paper investigates possibility of the mainbeam steering capability of a single antenna element.

Keywords: Antenna Element, Double Positive Material, Mainbeam, Steerable

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Investigation on Possibility of the Mainbeam Steering Capability of a Single Antenna Element