Authors: B. Ghaderi, V. Nayyeri, M. Soleimani and O. M. Ramahi
Source: FERMAT, Volume 30, Communication 1, Nov.-Dec., 2018
Abstract: Recently electromagnetic (EM) energy harvesting using metasurfaces has gained a great attention. This presentation shows a single band and a double band polarization independent metasurface harvesters composed of an ensemble of new resonators with a full level of symmetry in a way that their behavior is very insensitive to the polarization of the incident wave. Loading the resonators with resistors (which model the input impedance of a rectifying circuit in a harvesting system), it is shown that the metasurface perfectly absorbs the incident EM wave (regardless of its polarization) and perfectly delivers the absorbed power to the loads.
Index Terms: Metasurface, energy harvesting, pixelization
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Polarization Independent and Highly Efficient Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Using Metasurfaces