Study of the directivity of a half-loop antenna coupled with magnetic metamaterial cells

Authors: Esthelladi Ramanandraibe, Mohamed Latrach, Wafa Abdouni, Ala Sharaiha

Source: FERMAT, Volume 01, Communication 12, Jan_Feb, 2014

Abstract: The effect of associating Split Ring Resonators (SRR) or C resonators cells with a half-loop antenna is studied.Adding SRRs will shift down considerably the resonance frequency but the directivity will be almost the same. SRRs are good candidate for antenna miniaturization. Adding C resonators will increase more the directivity while the frequency shifting is not as important as with SRR cells. With a ground plane of 10cm x 10cm, two cells of C resonators coupled with a half-loop antenna can have a directivity of 7.35dB at 920.4MHz.The ground plane can be increased to get better performances.

Keywords:loop antenna, metamaterials, directivity.

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Study of the directivity of a half-loop antenna coupled with magnetic metamaterial cells