Passive Intermodulation in Distributed Circuits with Cascaded Discrete Nonlinearities

Authors: Dmitry S. Kozlov , Alexey P. Shitvov , Alexander G. Schuchinsky

Source: FERMAT, Volume 13, Communication 6, Sept.-Oct., 2016

Abstract: The principle aspects of passive intermodulation (PIM) characterisation in distributed printed circuits with cascaded lumped nonlinearities are presented. Mechanisms of PIM generations have been investigated experimentally and modelled using the formalism of Xparameters. The devised equivalent circuit models are applied to the analysis of microstrip lines with distributed and cascaded lumped sources of nonlinearity. The dynamic measurements have revealed that PIM generation rates in straight and meandered microstrip lines differ and significantly deviate from those expected for the respective discrete sources of nonlinearity. The obtained results indicate that multiple physical sources of nonlinearity contribute to PIM generation in printed circuits. Finally, it is demonstrated that the electrical discontinuities can have significant effect on the overall PIM response of the distributed passive circuits and cause PIM product leakage and parasitic coupling between isolated circuit elements.

Index Terms: intermodulation distortion, passive intermodulation (PIM), distributed nonlinearity, X-parameters, interference

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Passive Intermodulation in Distributed Circuits with Cascaded Discrete Nonlinearities