Antenna: a key enabler for 5G innovative RFIC development

Authors: Dr Fred Gianesello

Source: FERMAT, Volume 11, Communications 6, Sep_Oct, 2015

Abstract: This is a review talk discussing the context and requirements of 5G. It examines the tendency towards Small Cell and HetNets, as well as the challenges of Backhaul and Fronthaul. Next, it turns to BiCMOS/CMOS mmW ICs, and the push towards integration. It argues that low cost mmW antennas as the missing enabling technology, and identifies the need to develop Innovative High Gain mmW antennas. Some conclusions and perspectives also are included.

Keywords: 5G, Small cells, HetNets, mm wave ICs, mm wave antennas

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Antenna: a key enabler for 5G innovative RFIC development