Compact Line Source for Low Profile Continuous Transverse Stub(CTS) Array

Authors: Pengfei Zhang , Raj Mittra and Shuxi Gong

Source: FERMAT, Volume 16, Communication 8, Jul.-Aug., 2016

Abstract: A compact line source consisting of a flat lens is proposed in this paper. The flat lens is used to transform cylindrical wavefront generated by the horn to a planar wavefront which provides a uniform phase distribution at the output aperture. Unlike the conventional convex lens whose design is based on Geometrical Optics (GO), the flat lens is designed based on the Field Transformation (FT) method. By optimizing the permittivity of the center layer and two matching layers, the phase compensation for wavefront transformation is achieved together with a good impedance matching over a wide band. A Continuous Transverse Stub (CTS) antenna with a low profile is designed using the proposed line source.

Keywords: Continuous Transverse Stub (CTS) array; line source; flat lens

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Compact Line Source for Low Profile Continuous Transverse Stub(CTS) Array