Demonstration of Low-cost Ultra-wideband Planar Phased Array Having Multioctave bandwidth, Wide scan, and High efficiency

Authors: Johnson J. H. Wang

Source: FERMAT,Volume 14,Article,Mar-apr,2016

Abstract: A planar phased array operating over 2-12 GHz with wide scan 60 degree off broadside and high-efficiency has been successfully designed and tested with a 16×16-element array prototype fabricated with low-cost standard commercial production processes. The measured performance is slightly better than that simulated based on the array factor and a moment-method solution for unit-cell in infinite array. The excellent and robust measured performance of the prototype sampled throughout its entire space-frequency domain is the first full-fledged demonstration of the viability of the planar phased array with multioctave bandwidth and wide-angle scan, which has been overshadowed by skepticism and controversies since its debut around 2000.

Index Terms: Antenna arrays, broadband antennas, phased arrays, ultra-wideband antenna arrays, conformal arrays.

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Demonstration of Low-cost Ultra-wideband Planar Phased Array Having Multioctave bandwidth, Wide scan, and High efficiency