Volumetric Method of Moments (V-MoM) in Modelling Nanotopologies: A Review

Authors: X. Zheng, V. K. Valev, N. Verellen, V. Volskiy, P. Van Dorpe, G. A. E.Vandenbosch and V. V. Moshchalkov

Source: FERMAT, Volume 4, Article 4, Jul-Aug., 2014

Abstract: This paper provides a summary review of our group’s work on the modeling of nanoantennas. By utilizing a Volumetric Method of Moments (V-MoM) algorithm, we solve the light-nanoantenna problem on three different levels: I) the most general solution to Maxwell’s equations, i.e. the linear response of a nanoantenna to a given incident light and a specific frequency; II) an incident light independent solution, i.e. the frequency dependent eigenmodes of a nanoantenna and III) an solution that is both excitation and frequency independent, i.e. the natural mode of a nanoantenna. Through such a treatment, a set of tools that can systematically treat the interaction of light with a nanoantenna is developed and is hoped to pave the road for the future nanoantenna design.

Index Terms: Nanoantennas, Volumetric Method of Moments (V-MoM), Eigenmode Expansion Method (EEM), Natural Frequency Analysis.

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Volumetric Method of Moments (V-MoM) in Modelling Nanotopologies: A Review