Enhanced Focusing and Imaging Based on Parity-Time Symmetry and Nonlocality

Authors: F.Monticone, A. Alu

Source:FERMAT, Volume 23, Article 2, Sep.-Oct., 2017

Abstract: Focusing and imaging represent common optical operations. Despite centuries of improvements, however, conventional lenses suffer from inherent limitations, such as limits in resolution, unavoidable presence of aberrations, and challenges in realizing volume-to-volume imaging. These limitations stem, at the fundamental level, from the refraction properties of conventional optical materials. While the advent of engineered metamaterials has opened new avenues to overcome some of these issues, three-dimensional metamaterial lenses have been hindered by their high sensitivity to losses and disorder, inherently rooted in their passive and resonant nature.

In our recent work [1], we have explored a route toward ideal optical systems overcoming these challenges, based on combining the wave physics of non-Hermitian, non-local systems, and the large degree of wave control enabled by engineered metasurfaces.

Index Terms: Focusing, Imaging, Parity-Time Symmetry, Nonlocality

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Enhanced Focusing and Imaging Based on Parity-Time Symmetry and Nonlocality