Holographic Implementation of the Optical Theorem

Authors:Edwin A. Marengo, Marcus V. Bunn, and Jing Tu

Source:FERMAT, Articles, 2016-Vol16-Jul_Aug-006

Abstract:This work provides an overview of recent advances in the theory and imaging applications of the optical theorem. The latter is a fundamental result of electromagnetics, acoustics, and quantum-mechanical scattering, with many important applications in imaging and detection. Particular emphasis is given to our latest efforts aimed at developing the holographic implementation of the optical theorem for the measurement of the power extincted by a scatterer that is interrogated by an arbitrary probing field and is embedded in an arbitrary medium or scene. Several practical configurations of optical theorem detectors are developed in the paper. This includes a new lensimaging-based optical theorem detector and different forms of optical theorem holograms with particular emphasis on LeithUpatnieks-holography-inspired optical theorem detectors. The developed optical theorem holography is particularly relevant for optical and quantum systems in which one measures only field intensities, and has many potential applications including sensors of constitutive properties of materials, optical scanners, biometric readers, communication systems, and information storage devices. The optical theorem holography theory developed in the paper is illustrated and validated with a canonical scattering example in two-dimensional space.

Index Terms:scattering theory, scattering measurements, inverse scattering, holography, optical theorem, optical detection

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Holographic Implementation of the Optical Theorem