Convolution Quadrature and the Time Domain Integral Equations of Electromagnetics

Authors:Jielin Li, Peter Monk, and Daniel S. Weile

Source:FERMAT, Articles, 2016-Vol16-Jul_Aug-004

Abstract: The use of convolution quadrature (CQ) approaches for the discretization of time domain integral equations (TDIEs) is described in full. Using an operational calculus approach, CQ methods render the continuous TDIE convolution discrete through a mapping from the Laplace domain to the Z domain. This process simplifies the computation of the spatial integrations needed for the integral equation discretization, as the shadow region endemic to temporal Galerkin discretization is eschewed. The underlying frequency domain nature of CQ also eases its use for dispersive kernels. Numerical results will demonstrate the technique.

Index Terms: Time domain integral equations (TDIE), Convolution Quadrature (CQ), marching on in time (MOT).

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Convolution Quadrature and the Time Domain Integral Equations of Electromagnetics