Authors: Kai Fong Lee
Source: FERMAT, Volume 18, Article 1, Nov.-Dec., 2016
Abstract: This paper presents a personal overview of the development of microstrip patch antennas. The concept of the microstrip patch antenna originated in the 1950’s, but it did not attract serious attention until the 1970’s. In the four decades since, there are literally thousands of papers on this antenna. It is impossible to include all noteworthy developments in this short talk and the speaker apologizes at the outset to those researchers whose work is not mentioned. The presentation begins with a general description on early history, followed by the development of various topics, including simulation softwares, broad-banding techniques, circular polarization, dual/multi-band/reconfigurable designs, and size-reduction techniques. An extensive list of references is given.
Index Terms: History, microstrip antennas, patch antennas.
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A Personal Overview of the Development of Microstrip Patch Antennas