Classical Method for Deriving the Electromagnetic Propagation Equations for Double Negative Materials with Application for Antenna Design

Authors: Ira Kohlberg

Source: FERMAT, Volume 5, Article 3, Sep-Oct., 2014

Abstract: We derive a system of propagation equations in a Double Negative (DN) material in a way that appears to differ from previous derivations— although the end result is the same. Our derivation assumes the Poynting vector theorem applies, real materials always have some loss, () and () are obtained from real materials, and wave energy traveling in a specified direction must always be accompanied by a loss of energy in that direction. Additional mathematics beyond Maxwell’s equation is not required. Energy losses per unit length of travel are finite, and can be extremely small. Propagation in a lossless DN media is found as the mathematical limiting solution of an extremely small energy loss per unit length. When developed along these principles, the equations developed for designing leaky antennas are straightforward.

Index Terms: Double Negative material, Poynting vector theorem, Meta materials.

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Classical Method for Deriving the Electromagnetic Propagation Equations for Double Negative Materials with Application for Antenna Design